unemployaid, your personal jobsearch assistant

About us

Unemployaid.com assists you in your job search if you are unemployed or whish to find a new position.
This website has been built by job seekers for job seekers.
Today, the job market has become extremely tough and requires you to be the most competitive candidate. The race for performance means that companies are demanding, before hiring, much more than what will actually be needed to fit the job.
In this context, as a job seeker, you must multiply targeted applications, and you cannot afford too much failures.
That is why we have designed this set of tools, freely available without any data deal with any partner, to help you in your efforts.
The only charged services are the full version of spontaneous blaster (contact us to try it freely) and the professional access for coaches.

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News signed by SCHILLING Hervé -

Risks of Job Loss in Switzerland: What to Know and How to Prepare

You all know that the latest trend is artificial intelligence (AI), especially conversational AI like chatGPT. So for today, I asked him for an article on the problem of job search in the current context of merger/takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS and the consequent influx of thousands of candidates fleeing the failed bank:

Image created with another AI: midjourney
Image created with another AI: midjourney


The economic crisis affected many sectors of activity in Switzerland, including the bank. With the recent...

Read the original version...

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Job proposition
Job proposition
Job proposition
France Brest
Job proposition
Job proposition
France Brest
Job proposition
France 31200, Toulouse
Job proposition
France 18200, St Amand Montrond
Job proposition
France 38190, Bernin
Job proposition
France 18200, St Amand Montrond
Job proposition
France 49000, Ecouflant

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