Nachrichte von SCHILLING Hervé - Neuheit

What's new on

10 000 years of progress

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10 000 years ago, some humans decided to try to cultivate themselves the plants that they usually found in their natural environment. They needed several years of experimentation before they match the efficiency of the traditional picking.
I imagine that some of their contemporaries considered them as fools, wasting their time with this stupid farming things instead of hunting and picking to earn their living.

10 000 years later a farmer breeds 60 persons, and we waste an important part of our production in order to maintain their price.

The same evolution arose in the industry and most domains of human activity. Our productivity is spectacular, we could produce only few hours a week and enjoy the rest of our time, if it was the purpose of our labor.

Lead to unemployment explosion

But this is not our target. Human specie wants more and better instead of enough and fair.
As a result, our top growing product is unemployment. Our increasing productivity helped us to produce more with few efforts. But there is no way that we share this resilient effort and its revenues with our contemporaries.

Today, most humans do not have to struggle against the wild nature to survive, they have to struggle to find and keep a job allowing them to buy food and the adequate mobile phone.
To win that fight, you need the best weapons. is one of them, or I hope so!

So let me introduce you the latest tools added to
You still can use our cover letter manager, manage your applications, your jobboards, reminders etc.

Unemployed, employers, publish your announcement

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If you are a job seeker, publish with no charge your announcement in our pages. Maybe one of our visitors will be interested by your competencies and contact you through our contact form.
If you are a company, publish for free your job announcements, where most of the jobboards of the market will charge you more than 500$.

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©Hervé Schilling